Androgen Deficiency

Analysis of diurnal variation in serum testosterone levels in men with symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone (T) plays a crucial role in various physiological functions in men, and understanding the variations in T levels during the day is essential for diagnosing and treating testosterone deficiency (TD).

Integrative and Analytical Review of the 5-Alpha-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency Worldwide.

The conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone is catalyzed by the 5α-reductase type 2 enzyme which plays a crucial role in the external genitalia virilization. It is encoded by the SRD5A2 gene.

A National Analysis of Temporal Changes in Prescribing of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Considering Methods of Delivery and Government Regulation.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is commonly used for various causes of androgen deficiency and subsidized by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in Australia when appropriate. In response to a sharp increase in the prescribing of subsidized TRT, the Australian government instituted new, stricter prescription criteria in April 2015.

Pharmacoepidemiology of testosterone: Impact of reimbursement policy on curbing off-label prescribing.

To estimate the impact on testosterone prescribing over 3 years following the 2015 tightening of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) criteria.

Analysis of testosterone prescribing data from PBS and private (non-PBS) sources between 2012 and 2018 covering 2015 change in PBS prescribing criteria.

Organic Diet and Intermittent Fasting are Associated with Improved Erectile Function.

To explore associations between dietary habits and erectile dysfunction (ED) in a cohort of patients presenting to a high-volume men's health clinic.

All patients presenting to a high-volume men's health clinic between July 2018 and May 2019 were evaluated for their dietary habits and screened with the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) and Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males (ADAM).

Effectiveness of testosterone therapy in hypogonadal patients and its controversial adverse impact on the cardiovascular system.

Testosterone is the major male hormone produced by testicles which are directly associated with man's appearance and secondary sexual developments. Androgen deficiency starts when the male hormonal level falls from its normal range though, in youngsters, the deficiency occurs due to disruption of the normal functioning of pituitary, hypothalamus glands, and testes.

Testosterone for Androgen Deficiency-Like Symptoms in Men Without Pathologic Hypogonadism: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over with Masked Choice Extension Clinical Trial.

Off-label testosterone prescribing for androgen deficiency (AD)-like sexual and energy symptoms of older men without pathologic hypogonadism has increased dramatically without convincing evidence of efficacy.

Iron and Advanced Glycation End Products: Emerging Role of Iron in Androgen Deficiency in Obesity.

The literature suggests a bidirectional relationship between testosterone (T) and iron, but mechanisms underlying this relationship remain unclear. We investigated effects of iron on advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in obesity-related androgen deficiency.

Association Between Serum Testosterone and Serum PSA Among Men With and Without Partial Androgen Deficiency.

Serum prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and serum testosterone levels share an undefined relationship with each other, with many conflicting studies showing both positive and negative correlation between them.

Androgens and depression: a review and update.

The aim of this study is to summarize recently published literature examining androgens and depression.

The impact of androgen levels, androgen replacement therapy and pharmacologic androgen deprivation on depression and depressive symptoms remain active areas of investigation.

Improvement of Testicular Steroidogenesis Using Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids for Prevention of Late-Onset Male Hypogonadism.

Androgen production, being important for male fertility, is mainly accomplished by the Leydig cells from the interstitial compartment of the testis. Testosterone plays a critical role in testis development, normal masculinization, and the maintenance of spermatogenesis.


The long-term androgen deficiency (AD) in men with hypothyroidism is an important problem due to the fact that it leads to concomitant cardiac pathology, which remains the leading cause of mortality in the world.

Androgen-Regulated Cardiac Metabolism in Aging Men.

The prevalence of cardiovascular mortality is higher in men than in age-matched premenopausal women. Gender differences are linked to circulating sex-related steroid hormone levels and their cardio-specific actions, which are critical factors involved in the prevalence and features of age-associated cardiovascular disease.

Testosterone and Vaginal Function.

Androgens have been shown to exert beneficial effects on vaginal physiology, at least partially independent of their aromatization to estrogens. Androgen deficiency in the vagina and in the other genitourinary tissues contributes to the development of vulvovaginal atrophy and genitourinary syndrome of menopause, resulting in impaired arousal and lubrication and dyspareunia.

Androgen deficit changes the response to antidepressant drugs in tail suspension test in mice.

Depressive symptoms are throughout our life, especially in the older population, the sex hormones reduction link to a high risk of depression. In this study, we investigated whether bilateral orchiectomy (ORX) modifies mice behaviors and antidepressant drugs effects through tail suspension test (TST).

Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Salts for Delayed Orgasm and Anorgasmia in Men: A Pilot Study - Beyond the Abstract

Delayed orgasm (DO) and anorgasmia (AO; absence of orgasm) are among the most challenging conditions that we treat as experts in male sexual dysfunction. DO/AO prevents the inherent pleasure resulting from the climax, but also imparts psychological burden on the man and his sexual partner, who may perceive a lack of attraction or sexual ability.1 The physiologic underpinnings of an “orgasm” are themselves complex and result from the interplay of peripheral and central input and processing at the level of the penis, spinal cord, brain stem, and cerebral cortex.2

Association between metabolic syndrome, hepatic steatosis, and testosterone deficiency: evidences from studies with men and rodents.

Testosterone is the predominant androgen in men and the lack of it can be a trigger to the development of the metabolic syndrome. Here we review the relationship between testosterone deficiency, metabolic syndrome, and hepatic steatosis reported by studies with men and rodents.

Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Salts for Delayed Orgasm and Anorgasmia in Men: A Pilot Study.

To describe our experience with amphetamine/dextroamphetamine salts (AMP) as a treatment for DO/AO.

We identified patients with DO/AO from 9/2017-9/2019. Baseline characteristics and patient-reported orgasmic latency time (OLT) were recorded.

Testosterone, level of the lesion and age are independently associated with prostate volume in men with chronic spinal cord injury.

Although men with spinal cord injury (SCI) exhibit a prostate volume significantly smaller compared to age-matched able-bodied men, the independent association of lower prostate volume with its putative determinants has never been analyzed in this population.

Testosterone concentrations and risk of cardiovascular events in androgen-deficient men with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Whether androgen deficiency among men increases the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events or is merely a disease marker remains a subject of intense scientific interest.

Among male subjects in the AIM-HIGH Trial with metabolic syndrome and low baseline levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol who were randomized to niacin or placebo plus simvastatin, we examined the relationship between low baseline testosterone (T) concentrations and subsequent CV outcomes during a mean 3-year follow-up.